Major events accomplished by PRIN on USAID CR WASH Activity
- PRIN International Consultancy & Research Services PLC entered into a sub-contractor agreement with an American-based Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International to support the implementation of the USIAD’s Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (CR WASH) Activity in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan (AMELP) and integrated Collaborative Learning and Adapting (CLA). RTI International, a nonprofit research institute and leading international development organization, has been selected by USAID to implement the $45 million, five-year USAID CR WASH Activity in Ethiopia. The purpose of the five-year USAID’s CR-WASH Activity is to support accelerated access to inclusive and resilient WASH services targeting lowlands areas of Ethiopia. (viz., Afar, Oromia, SNNPR, and Somali).
- Key objectives of the Activity:
- Professionalize and expand quality climate resilient water services
- Increase sustainable access to and use of sanitation and hygiene (with menstrual hygiene health) products and services
- Improve gender power dynamics
- Strengthen enabling environment for climate-resilient WASH services
- The RTI-led project is expected to provide 825,000 people with safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene products and services. PRIN partners with RTI in supporting the implementation of CR-WASH by providing monitoring, evaluation, collaborative learning and adapting services to the project partners.
- PRIN had participated in Year 1 work plan workshop of USAID Climate Resilient Water Sanitation and Hygiene (CR WASH) Activity, organized by RTI International, from October 3-5, 2023.
- PRIN had participated in USAID/Ethiopia Global Water Strategy High Priority Country Plan, Urban WASH, and Climate Resilient WASH Launching Event, held at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Addis Ababa, on November 3, 2023.
- PRIN had participated in RTI-led project partners’ consultative meeting held on November 20, 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to deliberate on the partners’ readiness to implement the project and to learn about their expectations.