PRIN has successfully conducted the USAID funded Transform Program Baseline Survey. Among the total of 8 regions PRIN took the responsibility to conduct the survey in four regions/Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and SNNP/. All the supervisors in all regions took Training of Trainers on Baseline Survey Data Collection and deployed to their regions to conduct the training for the data collectors.
Over view of the Survey
- USAID recognizes that monitoring and evaluation are key means through which we can obtain systematic and meaningful feedback on both the successes and shortcomings of our endeavors. USAID/Ethiopia and FMOH want to know the contribution of the Transform interventions in ending preventable maternal and child death in Ethiopia. Thus a need to conduct a baseline survey to establish benchmarks for comparing changes in key outcome and impact indicators. A baseline survey is necessary towards creating a knowledge base for future mid-line and end-line evaluations by helping establish baseline values for key Transform program indicators.
Over view of the Survey
- /TOT training/
- The Transform program IPs include:
- Primary Health Care (PHC);
- Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH); and
- Health in Developing Regions (HDR)
- The Transform program IPs include:
- The purpose of the baseline surveyis to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of households regarding maternal, child health and WASH; and to establish baseline values for the Transform interventions.
- Specifically, the baseline survey will:
- Collect data for establishing baseline values for key indicators of the Transform portfolio activities: PHC, WASH, and HDR;
- Create a knowledge base for future midline and end-line evaluations; and
- Test planning assumptions and establish programming gaps, if any.
- The baseline survey employs both quantitativeand qualitative methodologies
- Household/population and facility based survey
- Interviewer administered questionnaires
- A total of 6,635 HHwill be interviewed (5,315 and 1320 HH from intervention and non-intervention areas respectively)
- A representative sample taken from the non-intervention areas to serve as a comparison group, with 4:1 ratio (4 intervention study sites to 1 non-intervention area).
PRIN will update the results of the survey soon.