project details

Conducting a Baseline Survey for Advancing Mobile/ Technology Assisted Literacy Program in Ethiopia

Contract Project:November 2012 -June 2015.

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work process

Description of the project

This is a UNESCO-Microsoft Corporation Pilot project Ethiopia. It was conducted in Amhara, Oromia, & SNNPR. The main objective of the baseline survey was to obtain evidence based information on the current status of technology-assisted literacy learning for youth and adults and on how to effectively use mobile technology to serve the learners and communities toward better livelihoods and lifelong learning. The specific objectives were the following: i. To assess the performances of adult learners in order to assert their level of competencies in literacy, numeracy, and digital skills;

ii.  To identify the availability and relevance of hands-on mobile/IT based learning materials developed to enhance “Anytime , Anywhere Learning” at the grassroots;

iii. To assess the existing practices on technology-assisted literacy learning provided to target learners by key actors mainly Ministry of Agriculture,Health, Microfinance, Mines etc.(services , challenges and opportunities).

  1. iv. To explore the existing conceptions and capacities of key literacy personnel ( facilitators, curriculum designers /developers, supervisors,coordinators, on linking technology into FAL learning;
  1. v. To analyze opportunities and challenges on multi-stakeholder partnership on technology-assisted FAL learning systems and services; and
  1. vi. To suggest feasible points on how to effectively use technology to serve the learners and communities toward better livelihoods and lifelong learning